Hike around Zermatt & Accommodations

Mountain House Trift 2337m (2) → Schönbiel Hut SAC 2694m (3)

Way there: 3 h - Way back: 3 h

From Hohbalm you take the wonderful high-mountain trail and you follow it next to the Zmuttglacier until you reach the Schönbiel Hut.

Schönbiel Hut SAC 2694m

SAC-Sektion Monte-Rosa
Fredy & Yolanda Biner-Perren
Tel. +41 (0)27 967 13 54
Tel. +41 (0)79 447 41 87 (Privat)

Open: Touring Season: End of March until mid-Mai / End of June until the 20th of September
Dormitory: 80

At our hut you are in the region of the high mountains. Away from the stress and the daily routine - in the land of the marmots, eagles and chamoises. The view here always sweeps on the mightiest 4000-meter peaks of the Alps. See you soon here at the Schönbiel Hut. Climbing garden: difficulty from 4 - 8.

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