Hike around Zermatt & Accommodations

Hotel Schwarzsee 2582m (4) → Gandegg Hut 3029m (6)

Way there: 2 1/4 h - Way back: 1 1/2 h

Going on in the direction of Hermetji-Zermatt you will soon reach the turn-off which leads to Furgg. From here the trail goes upward and soon you can see the cable-car station of Trockener Steg. The Gandegg Hut which is situated behind some rocks is only a few minutes far from the station.

Gandegg Hut 3029m

Gervas Perren
Tel. +41 (0)79 607 88 68
Tel. +41 (0)27 967 21 12 (Privat)
Fax +41 (0)27 967 21 49

Open: End of June until the end of September
Dormitory: 30

Our Mountain Hut is situated in the heart of the Zermatter mountain world. Starting point for mountain tours, hikes as well as for the friends of the Walser-Trail and of the summer skiing. Ideal place for children’s climbing (fixed stands). Reachable in 30 minutes hiking from the Trockener Steg/Klein Matterhorn station. In July marked ski slopes.

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