Hike around Zermatt & Accommodations

Europaweghütte 2225m (14) → Täsch Hut SAC 2701m (15)

Way there: 1 1/2 h - Way back: 1 h

From Täschalp the trail goes upwards to the Täsch Hut. There is the possibility to walk from the Täsch Hut / Europawebhütte over "Pfulwe" back to Fluhalp an further on to Zermatt.
Back in the village of Täsch you can either take the train or the taxis to get to Zermatt.

Europaweg - Pfulwe - Mountain Hut Fluhalp
Way there: 4 Std. - Way back: 4 Std.
Täschhütte - Pfulwe - Mountain Hut Fluhalp
Way there: 4 1/4 Std. - Way back: 4 1/4 Std.
Täschhütte - Täsch (1449 m)
Way there: 2 1/4 Std. - Way back: 3 1/2 Std.

Täsch Hut SAC 2701m

André Lerjen
Tel. +41 (0)27 967 39 13
Tel. +41 (0)27 967 53 63 (Privat)
Fax +41 (0)27 967 53 63

Open: Spring: April/May
Summer: End of June until the end of September
Dormitory: 65

Our mountain hut is situated in a wonderful position surrounded by 4000-meter mountains (Mischabel-Chain). Ideal starting point for mountain tours and hikes. Let the mountain scenery and the alpine flora (Edelweiss) cast a spell on you. We await your visit.

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